Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Health: The Fruition of Our Being

Health: The Fruition of our being!

There are many ways to achieve the fruition of your being. Some of these factors considered are physical, mental, spiritual and emotional fruition. The root to living up your life to its fullest starts with your health. Look at the four different factors to achieve the fruition of your being in layman terms. The longer you live, the longer you get to enjoy the benefits of improving and enjoying your physical, mental, spiritual and emotional fruition.
You are probably asking yourself, “what is the fruition of my being?” or simply,. “how do I achieve the fruition of my being?”. When I am talking about the fruition of ones being I am talking about achieving an utmost rank of excellence for ones health in all aspects (refer to four aspects mentioned). Note: in order to avoid being trite I am going to substitute in fruition for fruition of ones being. The most important question asked out of the questions mentioned was “ how do I achieve the fruition?”.
Fruition is achieved with health. There are three important factors when achieving “good health” or “a healthy lifestyle”. These factors are planning and purpose, diet and exercise. Planning and Purpose will be discussed in the article below. In following weeks I will post about the other two factors in achieving fruition with health. Stay tuned in later weeks for my discussion on Diet and Exercise!

Planning and Purpose: When I mention planning and purpose as a way to achieve fruition this simply means that one must keep in mind that YOU… as a consumer of ones own interest to attaining healthiness must KNOW your purpose and plan around your daily tasks to achieve your purpose. In the context of achieving your purpose in context to the planning side of things, a good example of planning around the purpose would be evaluating simple tasks within any given day and picking out the things that allow for you to be health conscious. For example, you wake up and are laying in bed jotting down a list of things that you need to do for the day and you construct and itemized list that reads 1.) Take dog to get groomed 2.) Go grocery shopping 3.) Go to church 4.) Go to gym 5.) Meet friend for lunch. Out of this regimented list it should be easy to pick out the things that embellish the meaning of “health” or would allow you to make a “healthy decision”. In order to achieve health excellence during that one given day you would 1.) Take the dog to get groomed- this tasks requires very low effort. Simply dropping the dog off is your only task. 2.) Grocery shopping- This tasks is not only important for you but for anyone whom you are shopping for. Eat healthy and feel healthy. Grocery shopping would be listed under achieving physical fruition. In other words.. the food you eat determine your physical means. 3.) Going to Church- This task encompasses a very “easy to spot” side of fruition, otherwise known as spiritual fruition. You can attain a degree of peace by practicing or performing spiritual acts. 4.)Go to gym- this tasks would have a duel purpose. It serves as a catalyst to both physical and mental fruition. By going to the gym you the consumer of health and fitness by a corporate gym, private gym or even local means are buying into your awareness of your body and physical condition. Also by going to the gym you are increasing your mental focus and awareness. An increase in mental focus and awareness ties directly into mental fruition. As you can see, planning for your purpose and identifying your purpose will bring you closer to the first element of fruition in health…

Live Healthy! Be Healthy! ;)

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