Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Health: The Fruition of Our Being

Health: The Fruition of our being!

There are many ways to achieve the fruition of your being. Some of these factors considered are physical, mental, spiritual and emotional fruition. The root to living up your life to its fullest starts with your health. Look at the four different factors to achieve the fruition of your being in layman terms. The longer you live, the longer you get to enjoy the benefits of improving and enjoying your physical, mental, spiritual and emotional fruition.
You are probably asking yourself, “what is the fruition of my being?” or simply,. “how do I achieve the fruition of my being?”. When I am talking about the fruition of ones being I am talking about achieving an utmost rank of excellence for ones health in all aspects (refer to four aspects mentioned). Note: in order to avoid being trite I am going to substitute in fruition for fruition of ones being. The most important question asked out of the questions mentioned was “ how do I achieve the fruition?”.
Fruition is achieved with health. There are three important factors when achieving “good health” or “a healthy lifestyle”. These factors are planning and purpose, diet and exercise. Planning and Purpose will be discussed in the article below. In following weeks I will post about the other two factors in achieving fruition with health. Stay tuned in later weeks for my discussion on Diet and Exercise!

Planning and Purpose: When I mention planning and purpose as a way to achieve fruition this simply means that one must keep in mind that YOU… as a consumer of ones own interest to attaining healthiness must KNOW your purpose and plan around your daily tasks to achieve your purpose. In the context of achieving your purpose in context to the planning side of things, a good example of planning around the purpose would be evaluating simple tasks within any given day and picking out the things that allow for you to be health conscious. For example, you wake up and are laying in bed jotting down a list of things that you need to do for the day and you construct and itemized list that reads 1.) Take dog to get groomed 2.) Go grocery shopping 3.) Go to church 4.) Go to gym 5.) Meet friend for lunch. Out of this regimented list it should be easy to pick out the things that embellish the meaning of “health” or would allow you to make a “healthy decision”. In order to achieve health excellence during that one given day you would 1.) Take the dog to get groomed- this tasks requires very low effort. Simply dropping the dog off is your only task. 2.) Grocery shopping- This tasks is not only important for you but for anyone whom you are shopping for. Eat healthy and feel healthy. Grocery shopping would be listed under achieving physical fruition. In other words.. the food you eat determine your physical means. 3.) Going to Church- This task encompasses a very “easy to spot” side of fruition, otherwise known as spiritual fruition. You can attain a degree of peace by practicing or performing spiritual acts. 4.)Go to gym- this tasks would have a duel purpose. It serves as a catalyst to both physical and mental fruition. By going to the gym you the consumer of health and fitness by a corporate gym, private gym or even local means are buying into your awareness of your body and physical condition. Also by going to the gym you are increasing your mental focus and awareness. An increase in mental focus and awareness ties directly into mental fruition. As you can see, planning for your purpose and identifying your purpose will bring you closer to the first element of fruition in health…

Live Healthy! Be Healthy! ;)

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Decide TODAY who you will become Tomorrow! 

Making the decision to get healthy is the first step in the direction towards creating a healthy lifestyle. I have listed a few key components that will kick start your Journey to Optimal Health and Wellness.  

DECISION- 1 a: the act or process of deciding b: a determination arrived at after consideration 

Discipline- disciplina teaching, learning, from discipulus pupil 

The First person you lead is yourself. It takes discipline to achieve a new habit, way of thinking, eating patterns, and even sleep patterns. I can give you numerous examples of successful people who's discipline got them over the failure hump. The one of the hardest parts of discipline is getting started down the right track. So begin today to figure out your strengths and build on your success. When you get the ball rolling in the right direction it is easier to take the next step. Your mission for this camp is to become the best YOU , you can be. Please feel free to email or call me if you have any fitness questions.  


Creating the environment you want is a key factor in the way you continue to live your life. The number one cause of death in the USA is related to lifestyle habits which lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart failure. The good news is that your body is highly adaptive, and can change according to diet and exercise. Go thru your pantry and leave only the foods that support your DECISION. If you could create your successful environment, what would it be like and what would you need to do to achieve this supportive successful environment?  


Staying committed to your Decision is an on going process. Commitment is one of the key factors that gets you out of bed when you just want to sleep in. It is the drive within that keeps you going in the good times as well as the bad. Your family, friends and coworkers may be considered your accountability, but your commitment to yourself is important. I am also committed to your success. Take a few minutes to write down what commitment means to you, and what commitments you are willing to make!  


1: a determination to act in a certain way : resolve

2: import , significance 

Intention is the first step to understanding your actions. Intention of action is the root of the motivation that drives you. I would write down a few statements that act as affirmations of your pure intentions such as "I am showing up to every day that I signed up for boot camp.. I am physically fit.. I eat healthy and I am Healthy." When you write down your intentions as fact, they are more likely to be true!  


Success varies in meaning from individual to individual. It is important to define what success means to you. I find that many people define success as the outcome of the situation rather than the processes one goes through to be successful. For instance, Someone wants to loose 5 lbs over the next four weeks. It would be important to be successful in turning in the nutrition logs each week, sleeping 6-8 hours a night, and drinking about 8-10 glasses of water per day. These smaller successes create the environment for the larger success of losing the 5 lbs. At the end of the day, you are successful in the small steps which leads you to a more likely successful outcome. I hope you have seen small successes this week that gives you the encouragement to continue on your Journey!  

Inspire the inspiration!-

Inspiration is one of the things that keep me going! I get inspired through individual lives changing, my weekend runs with my dog, and a good article. Your decision to become apart of a life change starts out like a little fire, and slowly begins to burn bigger. Keep putting fuel on your flame (whatever that is) and you will become inspiration to others. Find out today what inspires you, and how you can be the inspiration to others.  

Seize the opportunity-

Opportunities are all around you. Each day you have the opportunity to take positive actions towards a successful experience. If we are not careful, opportunities are filled with busy work and seem to clutter up the schedule of a successful person. Take time today to identify the opportunities you have and achieve your goal. I find that if you focus too much on the road blocks you will eventually find more road blocks. So start focusing today on the opportunities and see if this helps you see more opportunities.  


The decision is Now. Your history of decisions is your past not your future. Decide now to take action. I know many dieters that wait till new years, or till Sunday to "start right". No excuses! I am always here if you have an issue you have been struggling with or would like more information about. My sister just found out that the reason she has been sick 70% of the year was related to 15 different allergies. She went to all kinds of specialist and finally one asked the right question. It is crazy to think all the trouble she went through to get the right answer but she kept asking questions and kept taking action.  

Donald Trump

I try to learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present. That's were the fun is. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Endurance... It's What's for Dinner!

So you might think that endurance in training is just one of those god given abilities to perform repetition after repetition with no end. Wrong! The ability to perform with endurance during training comes at with three main factors. All three being alterable.

1) Practice: When you practice an exercise religiously or repetitiously and perform the exercise with drudgery it is because you are getting bored while sticking to the same old weight. While practice essentially does make perfect during weight training it is almost inevitable that the trainee will hit a plateau/roadblock where there seems to be no growth of the muscle fibers. Ya know how people say "Practice makes perfect"?.. well this is true.. but you never hear someone say "Practice makes change"..Practice does not make change because you have to make change happen yourself. Simply put, build your endurance on certain exercises and when it starts to become easy give your muscles a shock by changing the weight, movement in which the exercise is performed pr the number of repetitions performed. Providing your muscles with this type of change is a good way to first see change. So remember, practice does make perfect but sometimes does not leave room for change.

2)Diet: Hear ye! Hear ye! Gym rats and plebians! I bring you tidings of great news. In order for you to optimize your workout and get the most out of what you are doing in your training routine all you simply have to do to curb your results immediately is EAT before you train. Alot of people go to the gym to workout and do their "routine". True? Well sometimes do you find yourself going to the gym and you think to yourself "This is not gonna be a good day to do this exercise because I am so tired!" or "My routine is going to suck today because I just do not have the energy"... LISTEN HERE PUNK! The reason you do not have the energy or feel unmotivated could be largely because of what you are putting into your body before you are workout. Less food pre workout= less productivity. Endurance, being the sole reason why people are able to do the amount of exercise they do repetitiously can be accredited to the diet of the person training. Ladies and gents I strongly urge you to grab a power bar, peanut butter fold-over, granola bar, cup of yogurt, diced fruit and for the bodybuilders...(a cup of oatmeal, with one serving of peanut butter and honey) yumm!! The reason you should eat before you go into the gym is because your body needs those carboydrates/food that I mentioned in order to kick start your body's supply of B12 in the blood/metabolism. By giving your body food before you workout you are giving yourself an opportunity to work harder in the gym. More hard work=faster gains= understanding of how important food is= =). Try submitting your pre-workout to a healthy snack or two and see what kind of difference it makes.

Example: I was training a woman doing our normal leg routine and she had mentioned to me after theprevious session that she wanted to turn the intensity up a notch because she had a revelation about the new way she wanted to look so I said to myself "alright well I think she can handle it so I guess I will take her through a series of ball lunges... no
biggie!"..boy was I wrong... 15 minutes into the session her legs were cramping up and she felt as if she was going to pass out. At this point I had a little revelation of my own. Eureka! I know why my client was having these shortcomings. After a short Q & A I came to find out that my client had absolutely no food before she came to her session with me. I had heard the magic words! It just so turns out that the day she almost died from myleg routine just so happened to be the ONLY day she had absolutely nothing to eat.

Genetics: Ok, Yes, FINE! I will admit it... different people naturally do have the ability to perform better then others. The main reason being their genetics. For me personally I found out that I received the short end of the stick after going through a little trial and error with my workouts for a good three months until I had enough. Here is how the story goes..

I was trying to achieve the impossible while doing EVERYTHING possible. It was two months into my ROUTINE when I decided that I wanted to bulk up (at this point I was doing cutting exercises so I decided to transition to low rep/high weight/high caloric diet). I was doing everything right... changing up my routine, lifting heavier to get stronger and bulk up and even eating ungodly amounts of food to meet the caloric intake to make gains (hence the food baby! :) ) and was seeing absolutely no results. In a matter of fact I was more tired after my lifts and looked like a pathetic piece of sludge. Even my sleeping patterns were horrible! I brainstormed.. after much thinking I only gave myself and headache and decided to submit my case to a licensed professional. The following week, after having enough shortcomings, I visited with my doctor, had some blood work done and came to the conclusion that I had a lack of B12 in my blood. This meant that my bodies natural supply of energy was out of whack and there was essentially nothing that I could do to change that.... JUST kidding... my Doctor administered a B12 shot and had me take B12 pills in order that my bodies supply of B12 would be restored back to normal... What is the point of this story you ask? Well my workouts were suffering and I was suffering physically and making no gains. Once my bodies genetics were restored to normal my workouts were restored to normal and I was able to make gains in strength and size.

My point from the story being this... before you, the trainee, think that your endurance sucks just because of some other circumstance. THINK AGAIN! The difficulty in training could lye right in your genetics or in your diet. If you do experience chronic fatigue problems then I would recommend talking to a doctor to get your blood tested. A simple solution to temporarily fix the fatigue problems would be taking in more carbs (eat more), purchase B12 and B6 supplements and of course get your daily exercise.. All these play into the endurance factor when exercising.

So now that I have taken you through a synopsis on endurance here is what you need to remember as the viewer/trainee in order to get the most out of your training and optimize your endurance levels. First, train hard but do not train repetitively, switch up your routine! By changing your routine you are creating building blocks to get to a higher level of endurance. Second, eat before you workout! Take in good carbs such as fruit, power bar, protein shake vegetables etc... Eating before workout drastically enhances performance. Third, remember that sometimes you can't be the crazy soccer mom with all the energy in the world... sometimes faults arise because of simple faults in our genetics so curb your genetics and do something for your health and your workout by consulting a doctor or simply purchasing B12.

Live healthy! Be healthy! ;)

Chris Kittredge
Director of Personal Training M.O.S.E.